Having experienced much of what could be termed abuse in my life, I have sought deeply to understand the truth of man and woman that I might heal and have whole relationships. There are some truths which are hard to hear and some truths which cause rejoicing when heard. The particular truths I desire to share here, if a person is not ready to hear them, will sound very wrong and hard to hear. So before you read further, I ask that you pause and consider whether or not you are willing and ready to read my words as I intend them, giving them my meaning and not adding your own on top of them. If you are not in a healthy space with masculine and feminine truths, if there is bitterness or anger in you, please pause and consider coming back to this post another time. Otherwise, this post may incite you and cause anger to rise in your heart because you won't be ready to understand the true meaning of these words.
That very long disclaimer said, if you choose to continue to read, I ask that you do so with a prayer in your heart and with the desire to understand these truths which I have worked very hard to obtain.
Beauty (click for my post on Beauty) and Truth live in harmony with each other. You cannot have one without the other. Each exists only with the other. Even as the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without the man, so beauty is not without truth, nor truth without beauty.
Woman and beauty are synonymous. Man and truth are synonymous. When both live to their potential, they become one: complete, whole, and indivisible. As a woman embraces femininity, she becomes beautiful. As a man embraces masculinity, he becomes truth-ful - as in beauty-ful is full of beauty and truth-ful is full of truth.
They are vastly different virtues yet they are each important to eternal progression.
In Hebrew, in the Sephirote understanding of the words, every time the word "wisdom" is used, it refers to man. Every time the word "understanding" is used, it refers to woman. This is all encompassed in the Tree of Life understanding (click for more on this) of these words and how they relate to the body and it's ability to heal physically...which is a whole other topic. The important knowledge is that wisdom refers to man and understanding refers to woman.
Therefore, man is truth and wisdom. Woman is beauty and understanding.
The doctrines here are not easy to accept when viewed through the eyes of the world. But if you define these words as I have come to define them - wisdom, understanding, truth, and beauty - these words in the context in which I mean them teach us powerful principles. There is nothing so attractive to a man as beauty and understanding. There is nothing so attractive to a woman as truth and wisdom. Those women who are in a relationship where truth and wisdom are lacking in the man - or where it was lacking in their modeled relationships - will try to fill this need by becoming truth and wisdom. (This is where we get into the dangerous prophecies from Isaiah about the last days when he speaks of women being the leaders and children ruling over us...but again, I'm getting side-tracked.)
If society and families would heal, men must be men - they must be full of the spirit of truth and wisdom. Women must be women - they must be full of the spirit of beauty and understanding. There are all qualities in both men and women. Predominant qualities are the important factors and determines a man's masculinity and a woman's femininity. It is the way the qualities flow within us and when we are rebellious in any part of our lives, it shows up as a corruption of those true qualities which flow naturally when we are living in obedience to the eternal laws and principles which exist.
Understanding comes from an openness to the Holy Spirit. It cannot be found without a meekness of spirit...the fruits of which are necessary for the spirit of understanding to settle in and take root. Without a deep level of meekness, a woman can never have a true understanding heart and a man can never have a true wisdom heart. It must be gained by going beyond ego and the natural man into a place where self-interest is gone. For, as long as self-interest plays a role, there can be no pure truths imparted. And truth* - pure and undefiled - is the means of gaining all wisdom and understanding. It is how a man obtains a spirit of truth and a woman obtains a spirit of beauty. Without these principles in place, a couple cannot be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. That promise is only able to be entered into when true, pure, and virtuous principles are at the heart of both partners.
* This is why men hold the Priesthood on this earth and in this life...truth is the source of all other necessary attributes.
There is a difference between truth as it exists and stands in its eternal sphere and the spirit of truth. Truth that is, is part of all - both male and female. Eternal truths ask one to actively seek after truth and the manner of living which is conducive to gaining truth. All may seek truth and choose to receive it when it is revealed.
Men experience truths which, in turn, foster the spirit of truth and wisdom within them. Women experience truths which are then assimilated by the spirit of beauty and understanding. They learn and understand things - the same things - in such different ways.
As a woman, I feel the beauty and understanding which profound truths foster in womanhood: even as a man allows the spirit of wisdom and truth to guide him and foster his manhood. On the outside, it may look like nothing is happening, but the internal shifts are profound when someone is truly allowing these things to penetrate their heart.
In Hebrew, the word "Elohim" is the masculine and feminine plural of God. Elohim is man and woman as Gods, creating together. He in the administrative role and she in the active power role. It is by Her expression that the things commanded (by Him) to be in motion and ordered stay that way. He is to voice and she is to nurture. They, together, create a full circle of vibrant energy which commands all elements to act and to multiply and grow.
He is the one who sets it in motion as wisdom and truth, She is the connective tissue throughout all of it as understanding and beauty. This full circle is beautiful and remarkable in its sacred movement. Neither is without the other. Neither function can sustain itself by itself. But unified, as one, they both create that which is self-sufficient and able to sustain.
If we comprehend beauty in its entirety, then the role of femininity in creation becomes very clear and lovely. We have been taught much about what the role of a man is with the active Priesthood role on this earth and it is lovely to see the complimentary role of a woman in her active power role.
That very long disclaimer said, if you choose to continue to read, I ask that you do so with a prayer in your heart and with the desire to understand these truths which I have worked very hard to obtain.
Beauty (click for my post on Beauty) and Truth live in harmony with each other. You cannot have one without the other. Each exists only with the other. Even as the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without the man, so beauty is not without truth, nor truth without beauty.
Woman and beauty are synonymous. Man and truth are synonymous. When both live to their potential, they become one: complete, whole, and indivisible. As a woman embraces femininity, she becomes beautiful. As a man embraces masculinity, he becomes truth-ful - as in beauty-ful is full of beauty and truth-ful is full of truth.
They are vastly different virtues yet they are each important to eternal progression.
In Hebrew, in the Sephirote understanding of the words, every time the word "wisdom" is used, it refers to man. Every time the word "understanding" is used, it refers to woman. This is all encompassed in the Tree of Life understanding (click for more on this) of these words and how they relate to the body and it's ability to heal physically...which is a whole other topic. The important knowledge is that wisdom refers to man and understanding refers to woman.
Therefore, man is truth and wisdom. Woman is beauty and understanding.
The doctrines here are not easy to accept when viewed through the eyes of the world. But if you define these words as I have come to define them - wisdom, understanding, truth, and beauty - these words in the context in which I mean them teach us powerful principles. There is nothing so attractive to a man as beauty and understanding. There is nothing so attractive to a woman as truth and wisdom. Those women who are in a relationship where truth and wisdom are lacking in the man - or where it was lacking in their modeled relationships - will try to fill this need by becoming truth and wisdom. (This is where we get into the dangerous prophecies from Isaiah about the last days when he speaks of women being the leaders and children ruling over us...but again, I'm getting side-tracked.)
If society and families would heal, men must be men - they must be full of the spirit of truth and wisdom. Women must be women - they must be full of the spirit of beauty and understanding. There are all qualities in both men and women. Predominant qualities are the important factors and determines a man's masculinity and a woman's femininity. It is the way the qualities flow within us and when we are rebellious in any part of our lives, it shows up as a corruption of those true qualities which flow naturally when we are living in obedience to the eternal laws and principles which exist.
Understanding comes from an openness to the Holy Spirit. It cannot be found without a meekness of spirit...the fruits of which are necessary for the spirit of understanding to settle in and take root. Without a deep level of meekness, a woman can never have a true understanding heart and a man can never have a true wisdom heart. It must be gained by going beyond ego and the natural man into a place where self-interest is gone. For, as long as self-interest plays a role, there can be no pure truths imparted. And truth* - pure and undefiled - is the means of gaining all wisdom and understanding. It is how a man obtains a spirit of truth and a woman obtains a spirit of beauty. Without these principles in place, a couple cannot be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. That promise is only able to be entered into when true, pure, and virtuous principles are at the heart of both partners.
* This is why men hold the Priesthood on this earth and in this life...truth is the source of all other necessary attributes.
There is a difference between truth as it exists and stands in its eternal sphere and the spirit of truth. Truth that is, is part of all - both male and female. Eternal truths ask one to actively seek after truth and the manner of living which is conducive to gaining truth. All may seek truth and choose to receive it when it is revealed.
Men experience truths which, in turn, foster the spirit of truth and wisdom within them. Women experience truths which are then assimilated by the spirit of beauty and understanding. They learn and understand things - the same things - in such different ways.
As a woman, I feel the beauty and understanding which profound truths foster in womanhood: even as a man allows the spirit of wisdom and truth to guide him and foster his manhood. On the outside, it may look like nothing is happening, but the internal shifts are profound when someone is truly allowing these things to penetrate their heart.
In Hebrew, the word "Elohim" is the masculine and feminine plural of God. Elohim is man and woman as Gods, creating together. He in the administrative role and she in the active power role. It is by Her expression that the things commanded (by Him) to be in motion and ordered stay that way. He is to voice and she is to nurture. They, together, create a full circle of vibrant energy which commands all elements to act and to multiply and grow.
He is the one who sets it in motion as wisdom and truth, She is the connective tissue throughout all of it as understanding and beauty. This full circle is beautiful and remarkable in its sacred movement. Neither is without the other. Neither function can sustain itself by itself. But unified, as one, they both create that which is self-sufficient and able to sustain.
If we comprehend beauty in its entirety, then the role of femininity in creation becomes very clear and lovely. We have been taught much about what the role of a man is with the active Priesthood role on this earth and it is lovely to see the complimentary role of a woman in her active power role.
*insightful. :}