"And not behold, I, Nephi, say unto you that all these things must come according to the flesh."
These things are "according to the flesh" - or are things that will be in this temporal sphere. What is Nephi trying to say here, in between the lines? Is there an easier, different existence that is attainable while in the flesh but is not subject to the flesh? The things must come in the temporal world...he says nothing about any other world or existence.
"But, behold, all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people shall dwell safely in the Holy One of Israel if it so be that they will repent."
All who repent will dwell safely. All. What type of repentance is this? It says that all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people...if they repent will dwell safely in the Holy One of Israel. it does not give religious qualifiers. Repentance = safe dwelling in the Lord. If their hearts are turned to God - be it whatever name they call Him - they shall dwell safely in Him. What of those who have multiple gods? It sems this belief in many Gods comes from the truth that God has many names and titles and roles through which He works. He is known by many names. he is still one being. He still can inspire all and any who seek him and His truths. There is no end to His works and no end to His children. The church is the only true church. But not the only means of revelation.
"And now I, Nephi, make an end; for I durst not speak further as yet concerning these things."
WHAT?! What am I missing here?! He dursts not speak further concerning what things? Is he speaking of the last few Isaiah chapters? Is he speaking of "according to the flesh"? Is he speaking of all who repent dwelling safely in the Holy One of Israel? Is he speaking of something else altogether that I have missed entirely? What is it he durst not speak more of? If my understanding is correct, he is referring to the things he has seen and know concerning the end of times. We know later he is commanded not to write more because it is not his mission to testify and write of those things. Just because the Lord imparts truth to an individual does not mean He intends them to share it with others in their circle. The truths that were given to Nephi were imparted because he paid the price to receive them. This is the way of all truths. If we would know and understand the mysteries of eternity, we must pay the price to gain them.
These things are "according to the flesh" - or are things that will be in this temporal sphere. What is Nephi trying to say here, in between the lines? Is there an easier, different existence that is attainable while in the flesh but is not subject to the flesh? The things must come in the temporal world...he says nothing about any other world or existence.
"But, behold, all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people shall dwell safely in the Holy One of Israel if it so be that they will repent."
All who repent will dwell safely. All. What type of repentance is this? It says that all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people...if they repent will dwell safely in the Holy One of Israel. it does not give religious qualifiers. Repentance = safe dwelling in the Lord. If their hearts are turned to God - be it whatever name they call Him - they shall dwell safely in Him. What of those who have multiple gods? It sems this belief in many Gods comes from the truth that God has many names and titles and roles through which He works. He is known by many names. he is still one being. He still can inspire all and any who seek him and His truths. There is no end to His works and no end to His children. The church is the only true church. But not the only means of revelation.
"And now I, Nephi, make an end; for I durst not speak further as yet concerning these things."
WHAT?! What am I missing here?! He dursts not speak further concerning what things? Is he speaking of the last few Isaiah chapters? Is he speaking of "according to the flesh"? Is he speaking of all who repent dwelling safely in the Holy One of Israel? Is he speaking of something else altogether that I have missed entirely? What is it he durst not speak more of? If my understanding is correct, he is referring to the things he has seen and know concerning the end of times. We know later he is commanded not to write more because it is not his mission to testify and write of those things. Just because the Lord imparts truth to an individual does not mean He intends them to share it with others in their circle. The truths that were given to Nephi were imparted because he paid the price to receive them. This is the way of all truths. If we would know and understand the mysteries of eternity, we must pay the price to gain them.
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