Having experienced much of what could be termed abuse in my life, I have sought deeply to understand the truth of man and woman that I might heal and have whole relationships. There are some truths which are hard to hear and some truths which cause rejoicing when heard. The particular truths I desire to share here, if a person is not ready to hear them, will sound very wrong and hard to hear. So before you read further, I ask that you pause and consider whether or not you are willing and ready to read my words as I intend them, giving them my meaning and not adding your own on top of them. If you are not in a healthy space with masculine and feminine truths, if there is bitterness or anger in you, please pause and consider coming back to this post another time. Otherwise, this post may incite you and cause anger to rise in your heart because you won't be ready to understand the true meaning of these words. That very long disclaimer said, if you choose to ...
I used to just read my scriptures. I could tell them, almost quote them to you, word for word. I knew the words, but they did not feed me. It seemed I was in a perpetual fast. Eventually I learned HOW to feast. Come. Let's discover together the beautiful path from fasting to feasting.